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Casa di Sant’Ubaldo

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The building often referred to as Casa di Sant’Ubaldo is actually the ancient noble residence of the Accoromboni family from Gubbio, although no official documentation confirms the fact that the palace hosted Gubbio’s patron. This medieval building, built between the 13th and 14th centuries in the same architectural style as the city, is still well preserved despite numerous alterations. The facade was apparently set back and completely rebuilt following the construction of the important city buildings opposite. The house is, in fact, very close to Piazza Grande and Palazzo dei Consoli.

The building is currently owned by the University of Gubbio and entrusted to the city’s official ‘Sbandieratori’ (flag-wavers). The original wall decorations remain largely intact and some sections are on display for visitors: the part dedicated to the ‘Iconography of the Patron’ is composed of paintings of various origins dating from the 16th to the 19th century; the section dedicated to ‘Dipinti e Maioliche’ (Paintings and Maiolica) contains valuable paintings and maiolica (ceramics) by various artists ranging from the 17th to the 20th century, with traditional and modern decorations.

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