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© Martina Bucchi ph.


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Guided Tour of Norcia

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Guided Tour of Norcia

Explore the wonderful city of Norcia in the company of our specialised guides and see the fascinating combination of nature and architecture. The most important piazza in the town also hosts the most interesting sites, such as the ancient Roman pagan temple dedicated to the Goddess Fortuna Argentea, which is now the Cattedrale di Santa Maria Argentea. Inside there are several noteworthy works, including a beautiful fresco by the bottega degli Sparapane (Sparapane family workshop) and a Crucifix by the sculptor Giovanni Teutonico. In the same square, Piazza San Benedetto, we’ll stop to look at the remains of the Basilica di San Benedetto, of which only the facade, apse and part of the naves remain as a result of a violent earthquake in 2016. Inside the Basilica the ancient house of San Benedetto and his twin sister, Santa Scolastica, are apparently synonymous with the crypt, where you can also see the remains of an ancient Roman building. Take the time to contemplate the majestic and imposing Palazzo Comunale and the striking fortress of La Castellina right opposite. Visits are allowed inside La Castellina, where you can see various treasures exhibited in the Museo Civico which is housed within. We will walk along the charming alleyways that characterise the village of Norcia and stop to admire the Tempietto, a masterpiece of medieval sculpture which has a 14th-century fresco depicting the Madonna with Child and saints enclosed within it.

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  1. 1
    Cattedrale di Santa Maria Argentea
  2. 2
    Basilica di San Benedetto
  3. 3
    Piazza con Palazzo Comunale e Castellina
  4. 4
    visit old town
  5. 5
    Il Tempietto

Recommended clothing

We will be moving mostly on foot so we recommend comfortable clothing, sun glasses or a hat for the sun in warmer times of year, and a anorak or a warm hat in the colder seasons.


Certified guide.

Not included

  • Entrance tickets to paid sites or museums are not included. Entry will never be obligatory and we will agree any visits involving entrance fees with you in advance.
  • Snacks or various accessories are not included (such as audio guides).


The activity will last about 2.5 – 3 hours, depending on the pace of the group and the availability of the guide.


  • Italian
  • English
  • German
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Dutch
  • Russian


You can enjoy this experience throughout the year.


This activity is also suitable for children.

Pet policy

You can enjoy this experience in the company of your four-legged friend.


Get ready to learn and have fun.

Impaired mobility

The activity is also suitable for people with motor or other disabilities. In any case, we invite you to discuss your needs with our staff. If you find out that the experience is not suited to you (or others in your group) we will be happy to offer you an alternative activity or a full refund.

Additional information

  • This activity lasts half a day, so lunch is not provided. In your itinerary you can still select the lunch option, above your timeline. We will be able to recommend one of the best places to eat when you return.
  • We strongly advise you to bring a camera to take photos of the spectacle of nature that will appear before you.


  • You can enjoy this experience in any kind of weather. Some points of interest, however, may be outdoors, so it might not be possible to visit them on bad weather days. The guide will evaluate the weather conditions 48 hours before your tour and, in the event that some monuments/attractions cannot be visited, we will notify you promptly. You can choosewhether to proceed with the tour, replace it with another activity or receive a full refund of the price paid.
  • This activity is subject to our operators’ availability. We have a large selection of collaborators capable of leading this activity, but if on the day you selected we do not have operators availabile, we will immediately, or in any case within 48 hours of booking, suggest an alternative activity you might wish to do or the choice of receiving a full refund of the price paid.
  • The times shown in the program are indicative and may vary according to your requests or those of the other participants in the group. These are always and in any case previously agreed with our staff or with the guide.
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Data sheet


Se recomienda llevar ropa cómoda

Gorro abrigado

Gorra con visera

Gafas de sol



Guía certificado

No está incluido

Las entradas a los sitios o museos (*).

Bocadillos y accesorios varios (como audioguías).

No se incluye el equipamiento, por lo que tendrás que traer todos los accesorios que consideres necesarios, como bastones, gafas de sol, prismáticos, etc.

Todo aquello que no se indique bajo el epígrafe «qué está incluido».


La actividad durará unas 3 horas, incluyendo pequeñas paradas. La duración, sin embargo, puede variar dependiendo del ritmo del grupo y de la necesidad de tomar más o menos descansos.










Puedes vivir esta experiencia durante todo el año.


Las ganas de aprender y divertirse.

Apropiado para niños.

Cuando estén acompañados por sus padres.

La actividad también es adecuada para personas con discapacidades motrices

En cualquier caso, te invitamos a compartir tus necesidades con nuestro personal. Si la experiencia no se ajusta a tus condiciones (o a las de la persona que viaja contigo), estaremos encantados de ofrecerte una alternativa o de reembolsarle el precio.

Se admiten animales

Si se portan bien

Te aconsejamos que avises a nuestro personal en cuanto al acompañamiento de tu amigo peludo.

Información adicional

Esta actividad dura medio día, por lo que no hay almuerzo. En tu itinerario puedes seleccionar la opción de almuerzo igualmente, encima de tu timeline. Te recomendaremos uno de los mejores lugares para comer cuando regreses de tu ruta.

Recomendamos encarecidamente que traigas una cámara para inmortalizar el espectáculo que tendrás frente a ti.


Esta actividad sólo se puede realizar bajo condiciones climáticas favorables, las cuales serán evaluadas por el guía y confirmadas 48 horas antes de la excursión. Si las condiciones meteorológicas no son las ideales, nos pondremos en contacto contigo inmediatamente en un plazo de 48 horas y te ofreceremos una alternativa o un reembolso del precio.

Esta actividad está sujeta a la disponibilidad de nuestros guías. Tenemos una gran selección de operadores cualificados para esta actividad, pero si en el día seleccionado no hay ninguno disponible, te ofreceremos inmediatamente, o en un máximo de 48 horas después de la reserva, una actividad alternativa o la opción de recibir un reembolso del precio de la experiencia.

Los horarios indicados en el programa son orientativos y pueden variar en función de tus preferencias o de las de otros participantes, siempre y cuando esté acordado con nuestro personal o con el guía.

Always communicate through Exploring Umbria to ensure you receive the best bespoke service to suits your requirements. In order to protect your payments, never transfer money via channels outside the Exploring Umbria website.

Cancellation policy

If you cancel the reservation for this activity up to 24 hours before the event we will refund you 100% of the price.

Dónde se puede hacer esta actividad

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