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The painting and art of Maiolica ceramics from Deruta

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The painting and art of Maiolica ceramics from Deruta

The mastery shown by the professional artists of the Deruta ceramics companies in painting the hand-made maiolica dishes, vases and small sweet-boxes is truly amazing. You’ll see the master painters at work and will have the chance to create and paint your very own artistic artefact. The art of sculpture and painting involved in Deruta maiolica has its roots in bygone centuries, when the area was the fulcrum of Umbria’s immense passion and talent for craftsmanship. This ancient art has been handed down through generations for centuries, and it is increasingly difficult to find a true professional in the sector. The workshop will begin with a theoretical explanation of the sculpting techniques created on the potter’s wheel and of the drawing and painting on the glazed and non-glazed surfaces, with a little explanation of the pigments used and the most common themes. Then there will be a practical demonstration of the theory; with the help of the master artist you will be able to create and paint your very own artefact. You will also have the opportunity to take your piece home with you or buy an object of your choice by visiting the company showroom where works of true mastery and authenticity are displayed.

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Galería de fotos

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  1. 1
    Accoglienza e benvenuto
  2. 2
    Breve introduzione sulla ceramica e sul distretto di Deruta
  3. 3
    Illustrazioni fasi del ciclo produttivo
  4. 4
    Ceramic Show: laboratorio pittura
  5. 5
    Shopping tour

Recommended clothing

Comfortable clothing is recommended. You’ll be getting your hands dirty, so leave your smart clothes at home.


  • During this activity you will be accompanied by someone from the company and the demonstration lesson will be held by a master artist.
  • You will have the opportunity to create your own artefact.

Not included

Everything that’s not listed under the heading ‘what is included’.


The activity will last about 1 hour.


  • Italian
  • English


You can enjoy this experience throughout the year.


This activity is also suitable for children.

Pet policy

The area in which the activity takes place can accommodate animals, however access may be prohibited in some areas of the company.


Get ready to learn and have fun.

Impaired mobility

The activity is also suitable for people with motor or other disabilities. In any case, we invite you to discuss your needs with our staff. If you find out that the experience is not suited to you (or others in your group) we will be happy to offer you an alternative activity or a full refund.

Additional information

This activity lasts half a day, so lunch is not provided. In your itinerary you can still select the lunch option, above your timeline. We will be able to recommend one of the best places to eat when you return.


  • This activity is subject to our operators’ availability. We have a large selection of collaborators capable of leading this activity, but if on the day you selected we do not have operators availabile, we will immediately, or in any case within 48 hours of booking, suggest an alternative activity you might wish to do or the choice of receiving a full refund of the price paid.
  • The times shown in the program are indicative and may vary according to your requests or those of the other participants in the group. These are always and in any case previously agreed with our staff or with the guide.
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Data sheet


Se recomienda llevar ropa cómoda

Te ensuciarás las manos, así que deja tu atuendo elegante en casa.


Acompañamiento de un responsable de la empresa

Tendrás la oportunidad de elaborar tu propio artefacto.

Lección demostrativa del maestro artesano

No está incluido

Todo aquello que no se indique bajo el epígrafe «qué está incluido».


2 horas





Puedes vivir esta experiencia durante todo el año.


Las ganas de aprender y divertirse.

Apropiado para niños.

Esta actividad también está permitida a niños.

La actividad también es adecuada para personas con discapacidades motrices

En cualquier caso, te invitamos a compartir tus necesidades con nuestro personal. Si la experiencia no se ajusta a tus condiciones (o a las de la persona que viaja contigo), estaremos encantados de ofrecerte una alternativa o de reembolsarle el precio.

Se admiten animales

La entrada puede estar prohibida en algunas zonas de la finca.

Si se portan bien

Información adicional

Esta actividad dura medio día, por lo que no hay almuerzo. En tu itinerario puedes seleccionar la opción de almuerzo igualmente, encima de tu timeline. Te recomendaremos uno de los mejores lugares para comer cuando regreses de tu ruta.


Esta actividad está sujeta a la disponibilidad de nuestros guías. Tenemos una gran selección de operadores cualificados para esta actividad, pero si en el día seleccionado no hay ninguno disponible, te ofreceremos inmediatamente, o en un máximo de 48 horas después de la reserva, una actividad alternativa o la opción de recibir un reembolso del precio de la experiencia.

Los horarios indicados en el programa son orientativos y pueden variar en función de tus preferencias o de las de otros participantes, siempre y cuando esté acordado con nuestro personal o con el guía.

Always communicate through Exploring Umbria to ensure you receive the best bespoke service to suits your requirements. In order to protect your payments, never transfer money via channels outside the Exploring Umbria website.

Cancellation policy

If you cancel the reservation for this activity up to 24 hours before the event we will refund you 100% of the price.

Dónde se puede hacer esta actividad

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