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Tuoro sul Trasimeno

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Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Umbria on a Vespa

On two wheels, among vineyards, olive groves, spectacular landscapes and breath-taking sunsets. Experience Umbria on a Vespa!

70€ Per person
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Food and wine tour to discover Trasimeno wines

The food and wine tour discovering the wines of the Lake Trasimeno hills.

105€ Per person
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Birdwatching in Umbria, on the shores of Lake Trasimeno

Discover birdwatching in Umbria by visiting the natural oasis on Lake Trasimeno.

from 50€ Per person
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SUP excursion on Lake Trasimeno

An unusual perspective of the Lake with the SUP on Lake Trasimeno 

130€ Per person
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Short SUP excursion at Lake Trasimeno

A Stand Up Paddling excursion for a unique view of Lake Trasimeno!

80€ Per person
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The ring of the village of Santa Giuliana

A walk through magical woods, discovering beautiful villages, abbeys and hermitages.

from 90€ Per person
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The Hannibal walk – Trekking on Lake Trasimeno

Trekking on the hills of Lake Trasimeno on the trail of Hannibal at the sites of the mythical battle between the Romans and Carthaginians.

from 90€ Per person
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Trekking in Umbria, The ring of the Penna Mountains

Trekking in Umbria, on the mountains that surround Lake Trasimeno, at low altitudes but with endless views

from 90€ Per person
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Trekking on the Trasimeno hills towards the leaning tower

Trekking towards the leaning tower that stands out in the woods, in the magical setting of the Trasimeno hills.

from 90€ Per person
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A tough route from the Tiber Valley to Lake Trasimeno

Test your true grit on the hills that border Lake Trasimeno

from 90€ Per person
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On a MTB between Umbria and Tuscany with a tour of 3 lakes

From Lake Trasimeno towards the Tuscan lakes of Chiusi and Valdichiana.

from 70€ Per person
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Etruscan Umbria – From Corciano to the underground tomb of the Volumni family

Discovering the Etruscans. The first stage of the itinerary in search of the great Necropolis

from 70€ Per person
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Discover Tuoro sul Trasimeno

Discover with us Tuoro sul Trasimeno 

In the heart of central Italy, in the stunning region of Umbria, stands the lovely village of Tuoro sul Trasimeno.

As its name suggests, Tuoro overlooks the northern shores of magnificent Lake Trasimeno, the largest lake in central Italy. Here the blue waters smudge seamlessly into the surrounding verdant lands, extending in a soft and fluid continuum. This modest little village, nestled within the Parco Regionale del Lago Trasimeno (Regional Park of Lake Trasimeno), has less than 4000 inhabitants and together with visitors they enjoy a stunning lakeside landscape. Isola Maggiore, one of the Lake’s three islands, is also part of Tuoro where everyday life continues alongside a surviving ancient fishing village. Criss-crossed with walking trails and steeped in artworks and culture, enjoy the relaxed, laid-back atmosphere as you walk through the streets. The only lake Trasimeno island that is regularly inhabited, you can reach it by ferry from the beach at Tuoro and from the neighbouring towns of Castiglione del Lago and Passignano sul Trasimeno.

Tuoro’s origins can be dated to the period from 1200 to 1300, but the village has been well known since ancient times as the scene of the bloody and sudden Battle of Trasimeno, one of the most bloody and famous battles of the Second Punic War. It took place in 217 BC between the Carthaginian troops headed by the unscrupulous leader Hannibal and the Roman troops led by the consul Gaius Flaminius, who perished in the ambush along with most of his soldiers. Hannibal acted with cunning and ingenuity, enabling him to catch the adversary’s army unprepared; the Roman legions suffered a heavy defeat, with the loss of some 10,000 soldiers.

In memory of this battle, in the first half of June every year, Tuoro recalls the events of 217 BC and the inhabitants of the village re-enact the Battle of Trasimeno between Hannibal and Gaius Flaminius and their respective troops. As in the distant past, soldiers march in period armour and clothing and simulate training and re-enact moments of religious and working life in the village. The Roman Castrum (castle) of Tuoro also hosts educational exhibits suitable for everyone.

The geographical area of Tuoro consists of four districts: the Trasimena, Colonna, Malpasso and Valromana, whose symbols are composed of the combination of different colours, respectively yellow-blue, white-blue, white-red, and yellow-red. With the aim of promoting this territorial subdivision and reviving ancient traditions and important historical moments in the village’s daily life, every year an important event is organized called Ferragosto Torreggiano. It starts at the end of July and ends on 15th August (‘Ferragosto’ in Italian). The whole village takes part in the Lancio della sfida (Launch of the challenge), a theatrical challenge that kicks off the event. Processions follow during the Sfilata Storica (Historical Parade), followed by theatrical performances, games based on face-offs between the different districts and tastings of typical dishes that bring the distant past back to life during the Cena Storica (Historical Supper). The event, including a historical re-enactment of the 217 BC Battle of Trasimeno dedicates a day’s celebration to each district, (“Il Gran Giorno”), with on-going re-enactments, parades, games and festivities. It concludes with the Palio, and the most compelling and important race in the entire festival: the Tiro della Biga. In turn, a team from each district pulls a wagon at speed through the village streets, cheered on by its supporters, and the fastest team to complete the course wins the race. It gives one of the districts of Tuoro pride and prestige over the other three and determines the winner of the victory amphora.

Another important occasion for the inhabitants of Tuoro and for all its visitors is the Infiorata flower festival, which takes place annually in June on the occasion of the Corpus Domini Procession. Wonderful flowers are cut from Tuoro’s rolling hills or donated by the garden centres in the area. The medieval alleyways are filled with colours, and the scents of the variegated multitude of flowers meander throughout the village. The inhabitants work together to create beautiful floral displays, entire carpets of petals that illustrate and blend tradition, religious faith and history.

Another unmissable event that runs during the Christmas holidays and up to the Epiphany is Tuoro in Favola, filling Tuoro’s streets and squares with music, theatre, exhibitions and events for adults and children alike. Yet another celebration aimed at promoting music, theatre and culture is the Piccolo Festival del Rondò, a celebration of classical music and theatre located right in the historic centre, in the pretty Piazzetta del Rondò. On a lovely terrace overlooking Lake Trasimeno, virtuoso masters and artists perform wonderful sonatas and live concerts.

There are also numerous food and wine events and tastings of typical local products.

Among these is Campo del Sole Campo diVino in July, held in Campo del Sole, the magical open-air museum located on the shores of Lake Trasimeno. Participants get the chance to taste delicious dishes prepared with premium local produce accompanied by tastings of premium-level local wines and other specialities produced by wineries in the Trasimeno area. At the beginning of autumn, another food and wine event is organized by Tuoro sul Trasimeno, the Festa dell’olio e dei sapori d’autunno (Oil and Autumnal Flavours Festival), featuring Umbria’s excellent oils and other typical local products of the upcoming season that are served during tastings. The dishes prepared are masterly exaltations of gastronomy. There are guided tastings of oil and workshops also suitable for children as well as exhibitions of local handicrafts and musical and cultural entertainment.

The production of extra virgin olive oil is extremely important for Tuoro sul Trasimeno not just as a food but also from a cultural and social standpoint. It is one of the products that underpins Umbrian traditions, as does wine, which is produced from the ‘Colli del Trasimeno’ vineyards.

To help promote this local product, every year Tuoro sul Trasimeno organizes a photography competition called L’Oro d’Oliva. The central subject is extra virgin olive oil in all its forms, from the trees from which it is extracted to the production cycles and the delicious flavour and authenticity of the finished product.

Craft activities that are typical of the economic life of Tuoro sul Trasimeno include lace embroidery and the production of beautiful, prestigious artefacts.

Discover what to see in Tuoro sul Trasimeno 

Walking through the woods in the upper part of the village, in the area of ​​Monte Castiglione, you’ll come across the remains of Castello di Vernazzano, an impressive building that once aroused fear in enemies and guaranteed the safety of the inhabitants. You’ll be struck by the Torre, which dates back to the 13th century and currently lies slanting at an impressive 13%gradient.

Another important building in the ​​Lake Trasimeno area is Forte di Montegualandro, dating back to the Etruscan era and also located in a towering position.

In Tuoro you can also see the remains of the ancient Chiesa di Sant’Agata, located on top of a hill, while the later Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena stands further down towards the valley. The village also boasts what was the most important example of Romanesque architecture in the ​​Lake Trasimeno area, the parish church called Pieve di Santa Maria dei Confini, better known as Pieve Confini.

You can also stroll round the small historic centre of the village, enjoy the medieval atmosphere and admire Palazzo della Capra, which today houses the Centro di documentazione della Battaglia del Trasimeno e Annibale (the Battle of Trasimeno and Hannibal Documentation Centre), which was built to commemorate the battle.

If you’re looking for an unusual and interesting place, Campo del Sole is well worth a visit: a green area situated on the shores of Lake Trasimeno, it comprises 27 columns reaching a height of 4.5 metres and a diameter of about 70-80 cm. They are arranged in the shape of a large spiral with a diameter of 44 meters and a table with the symbol of the sun in the centre. The sculptures, which were made out of local sandstone between 1985 and 1989, are all different and were conceived and created by nationally and internationally famous artists; each of them bears its own symbolism. You can walk on the lawn around the columns and look at them closely, or relax, meditate and let yourself be fascinated by this unusual open-air museum. The location also provides beautiful views.

A stone’s throw from Campo del Sole, at Punta Navaccia dock, you can take a short hop on a ferry to another beautiful part of Tuoro sul Trasimeno: the island of Isola Maggiore. Stroll around the island and admire the ancient Chiesa di San Salvatore, the parish church of Pieve di San Michele Arcangelo dating back to the 14th century and, on the ruins of the ancient convent of San Francesco, the magnificent Castello Guglielmi, or Castello Isabella, built in the late 19th century in honour of the wife of Senator Giacinto Guglielmi. You can also get to know more about the island’s past, its history, religion, art and economy by visiting Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, the building that houses the Centro di documentazione dell’Isola Maggiore (Isola Maggiore’s Documentation Centre).

Venturing into Tuoro sul Trasimeno’s wooded areas is bound to be an interesting experience for visitors, who will be able to appreciate not only the beauty of nature, but also be fascinated by the remains of the Castello di Vernazzano.

On the slopes of Monte Castiglione, on a rocky area about 25-30 metres high, stood the ancient settlement of Vernazzano. The walls of the fortification delimited a triangular surface and were accessible only from one side, while the other two sides overlooked sheer drops. The elevated position gave the castle a certain authority and dominion and guaranteed security for the ancient village.

The earliest documents attesting to the existence of the Castle date back to 960 and show that it belonged to the Abbazia di S. Maria di Petroia.

Between the 13th and 18th centuries, the number of people living in the Castle varied considerably; in 1282, 52 families were recorded, a figure that was drastically reduced to 26 families by the 15th century. At the end of the 18th century, on the other hand, the number of inhabitants had increased to 365.

Today, only a few elements of the ancient fortress remain, such as some parts of the church of Santa Maria delle Trosce and the Tower that was built in the 13th century to defend the ancient Castle. The latter is surrounded by a lush vegetation and is supported by several stay wires since at the moment there is a considerable slope, reaching as high as 13%, following the earthquakes that occurred in the area and the subsidence of the underlying terrain.

Currently the people who once lived in the area marked out by the castle’s boundary walls live in a new residential area further down the valley.

Forte di Montegualandro, which stands in a dominant position on a hill 450 metres above sea level, is a fortification that has been coveted by many and that over the centuries has played a very important role in the Trasimeno area.

Its construction seems to date back to the Etruscan era, when the people built it to protect themselves from enemy offensives. The Fortress and the surrounding territory are also known to have been the scene of the bloody battle of Trasimeno, fought in 217 BC among the troops led by Hannibal and those led by the Roman consul Flaminio; the latter fell victim to the war along with many other Roman soldiers who fell during the ambush.

According to some scholars, the name Montegualandro may be traced back to the Greek term gala, which means milk, given the abundant quantities of milk produced by the flocks in this region.

Numerous clashes ensued for the possession of the fortress between the populations of Perugia and those of the neighbouring Tuscan towns.

The castle was in fact owned by many prominent personalities and families over the centuries, such as the marquis Uguccione II, Federico Barbarossa, the Ranieri marquises, the Montemelini, the Tarlati and Ferdinando II de’ Medici Grand Duke of Tuscany and was visited by influential personalities in the world of art and literature, such as Byron, Goethe and Hawthorne. Currently the fortress and the entire complex cannot be visited because the military fortification has become a private property and today it is a luxury noble residence.

It is still interesting, however, to admire the building from the outside, to contemplate the imposing walls, the lush vegetation and the marvellous panorama that can be enjoyed of the surrounding territory of Lake Trasimeno.

The construction of the Chiesa di Sant’Agata, the then parish church of Tuori (the ancient name of the village), dates back to around the year 1000. The church was dedicated to the martyred virgin who refused to marry Quinziano, a perfidious Sicilian governor who worked during the empire of Decius and issued an edict aimed at persecuting Christians.

Quinziano, enamoured of the young Agata, tried to seduce her and force her to renounce her Christian faith, but the virgin refused him and was consequently tortured and killed in 251.

The church of Sant’Agata stands outside the city walls of Perugia, on a hill 2 km from the current village of Tuoro and was to have been a Romanesque church of modest size, like the lovely Chiesa di San Salvatore on Lake Trasimeno’s Isola Maggiore. Unfortunately, only a few remains of the building have survived to the present day, namely some ruins of the perimeter walls and part of the apse, with some decorations; however, we can still admire a single lancet window in the shape of a Latin cross that attests to the original appearance of this church. It was probably destroyed by an army around the end of the 14th century, following one of the numerous conflicts with the municipality of Perugia, as happened to many architectural works in the various locations on and around Lake Trasimeno. Unfortunately, the church was not rebuilt by the inhabitants, who progressively moved further downstream where they founded the new urban settlement. Here they built a new church in honour of Santa Maria Maddalena, replacing the ancient church dedicated to Sant’Agatha.

The parish church called Pieve di Santa Maria dei Confini, more commonly known as Pieve Confini is in an area that owes its name to its border position between the areas of Perugia and Cortona, and during the Middle Ages it represented the border between the Dioceses of Perugia and Arezzo.

The church of Santa Maria dei Confini, located at 274 metres a.s.l., represents the most important example of Romanesque architecture in the area of Lake Trasimeno.

Its earliest document relating to it dates back to 1037, and the second time it was mentioned in a document by Federico Barbarossa dating back to 13th November 1163. For this reason it is assumed that its construction dates back to the period between the 11th and 12th centuries.

In ancient times, the Pieve had a very elegant structure: it consisted of three naves, numerous pointed arches that embellished and divided the aisles, semi-circular apses and the presbytery was in an elevated position to ensure easier access to the crypt. In the following centuries, however, the Pieve was completely restyled: the facade was rebuilt, the inside was converted to a single nave, one of the apses was razed to the ground and some farmhouses were built next to the church.

From the outside, the apse is still visible and is the only well-preserved part, plus some decorations above the portal.

Currently the site, which is located within a private property, is not well preserved, is unsafe and in a state of neglect and so, due to a real danger of the church collapsing, the area has been fenced off as a safety measure.

Walking through the streets of the lovely island of Isola Maggiore, the pearl of Lake Trasimeno and part of the village of Tuoro, you won’t miss the Chiesa di San Salvatore, with its simple, gentle and welcoming appearance.

The building, which is located on the street of the same name, was built in the Romanesque style in the 12th century; a document dating back to 1238 attests to its existence and its subordination to the Abbazzia di Farneta, located in Cortona, a town in the province of Arezzo.

The church is modest, both in size and decor; externally you can see a stone portal decorated with depictions of animals and plants, reminiscent of the portal of the most imposing Pieve Confini di Tuoro (Parish Church), which however has more elaborate and refined decorations. Even a small stone depiction of San Matteo (St Mathew), visible on the facade, has survived to the present day.

Inside, the church has a single nave, a semi-circular apse and a transept, while there are few traces of the paintings that originally decorated the walls. However, in the apse at the top, on the right, you can see what remains of a 14th-century fresco depicting an Angel.

The chapel of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, located on the left side of the church, preserves some works of art and sacred objects, including two wooden statues depicting respectively the Risen Christ and St Francis and a tabernacle painted in the Baroque style, which is named after its greatest exponent and founder, Federico Fiori, also known as il Barocci.

Currently the church cannot be visited and is only open for weddings or special celebrations.

Palazzo del Capra, which stands in an archaeologically rich area of ​​Tuoro sul Trasimeno, was built by Count Teodorico Moretti Costanzi to keep vivid the memory of a battle that was one of the fiercest in the Second Punic War. The illustrious building in fact houses the Centro di documentazione della Battaglia del Trasimeno e Annibale (a research centre focused on the Battle of Trasimeno and Hannibal Barca). The museum is named after Giancarlo Susini, the Professor who studied the events of the epic Battaglia del Trasimeno in depth.

The multimedia reconstructions in the museum will take you back in time to battle, which took place in 217 BC.

After crossing Spain and France, the astute Carthaginian leader Hannibal Barca, driven by strong ambition and the desire to conquer, caught off guard and routed the powerful Roman army at Trasimeno, at the time led by the consul Flaminio. Hannibal’s army was ruthless and in some three hours killed more than ten thousand Roman soldiers, including the consul Flaminio. Inside the Centro Documentazione, the exploits of the main characters are retraced, via 20 thematic videos, 2 video stories, 15 didactic panels, info-graphics and animation. You will also be able to admire the skilful reconstructions of the battle in the 4D room and see the fascinating 3D graphics and multi-sensory special effects

The Museum also offers a complete historical, naturalistic and archaeological overview of the area that was the scene of the bloody ambush by Hannibal in the Trasimeno area.

In 217 BC the countryside of Tuoro sul Trasimeno was the scene of a fierce and violent clash between the Carthaginian army, led by Hannibal, and the Roman troops led by the consul Flaminio. The Battaglia del Trasimeno was a veritable ambush against the Romans, who were neutralized within a few hours; in fact about 10,000 men were killed by the Carthaginians, representing a severe blow to the Roman army.

Today, in Tuoro sul Trasimeno, in the areas where the bloody battle took place, the vicissitudes of Hannibal and his adversaries are brought back to life via an Historical-Archaeological Trail of the Battle of Trasimeno, inaugurated in June 2010. The Hannibal Trail stretches out through the Lake Trasimeno area for about 14 km, crossing large expanses of the Umbrian countryside and hills and includes 13 themed stations, which will guide visitors in exploring of one of the most significant battles of the Second Punic War. There are panels with historical, military, geographical and archaeological insights explained in Italian, English, French and German. You’ll be able to follow the story of the ambush that was fatal to the Romans from beginning to end, a narrative enriched by a wealth of photographic and illustrative materials, captions, reconstructions and in-depth studies; it will be fascinating to relive the movements of the armies and to understand the astute and effective military tactics used by the Carthaginians to defeat their adversaries.

The last panel of the Trail illustrates and compares the most significant theories about the Battle of Trasimeno that were advanced by various experts, such as Nissen, Fuchs-Pareti-De Sanctis, Susini and Brizzi-Gambini.

After booking, it will be possible to organize the Trail excursion on the basis of different durations and methods and to choose whether to go along some sections of the Trail on foot or with the help of vehicles.

Discover what to do in Tuoro sul Trasimeno 

Apart from being a really captivating place, embraced by flourishing vegetation and blessed by the added attraction of Lake Trasimeno, Tuoro is also steeped in history. You can relive the past and especially the war between Hannibal and Roman troops in 217 BC. The battle, which saw Hannibal and his Carthaginian army defeat the Romans led by the consul Flaminius, is dynamically recreated at the Museo di Documentazione sulla Battaglia del Trasimeno e Annibale (Documentation Museum on the Battle of Trasimeno and Hannibal).

Thanks to detailed multimedia reconstructions, explanatory panels, animations and videos, you can retrace the strategies of the cunning Carthaginian leader and discover interesting insights on the battle and the territory in which it took place.

You’ll be able to visit the sites of the ambush and further explore the intricacies of the battle by embarking on the Percorso Storico Archeologico della Battaglia di Annibale (Historical-Archaeological Route of the Battle of Hannibal); along the 14 km route that crosses the Trasimeno hills, you will pass 13 thematic posts with in-depth archaeological, historical, military and geographic analysis in various languages, explaining the phases of the battle, the shrewd attack techniques and experts’ theories.

On nearby Isola Maggiore you can learn more about the tradition of embroidery by visiting the Museo del Merletto (Lace Museum), in Palazzo delle Opere Pie, where you can admire precious lace and crochet created with Irish Lace techniques, wonderful ancient embroidered dresses and high-quality productions that will take you back in time.

If you love adventure and nature, Tuoro sul Trasimeno offers an abundance of nature trails to enjoy on foot or by mountain bike, featuring endless meadows and breath-taking views of Lake Trasimeno.

You can also opt for horse riding, enjoyable excursions exploring Lake Trasimeno or have fun engaging in water sports such as canoeing, kitesurfing and sailing.

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