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Enogastronomia y artesanía en Umbría

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Todas las actividades

Wellness treatment in Umbria with wine

A wellness treatment with wine in Umbria in the name of relaxation, perfect for couples!

125€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people
Learn how to make italian pasta and bread

Find out how to make bread and prepare homemade italian pasta in the traditional Umbrian style!

25€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people
Cooking class exploring the flavours of Umbria – Assisi and Foligno

The cooking class in Umbria is unique opportunity to learn how to prepare and cook traditional Umbrian dishes

75€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people
Horse riding excursion and craft beer tasting

A horse riding excursion on the softly rolling hills in the upper Tiber valley, ending with a tasting of craft beer

180€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people
Honey in Umbria, exploration via the senses

This exploration of honey via the senses in Umbria is the right option for you if you want to get closer to the world of beekeeping and discover its secrets

45€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people
Educational farm in Umbria

At this educational farm in Umbria, you will learn about the animals and the origins of many products produced in our region

15€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people
Tracking down truffles in Umbria

Come and experience a tour dedicated to one of the most popular products in Umbria: truffles!

desde 95€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people
Picking wild asparagus in Umbria

The asparagus harvest in Umbria will take the form of a fantastic walk in the woods in search of the sublime vegetables that will be the main ingredient of your lunch

desde 60€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people
Walking around age-old villages in search of ancient trades and handicrafts

Walking around woods in search of bygone traditions

desde 95€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people
Photography Gubbio, in and around the city

Learn the basics of photography while walking around the beautiful town of Gubbio and the surrounding countryside

desde 60€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people
Discovering Saffron in Valnerina – with tasting

Discover in Valnerina the region’s lilac gold: saffron. Get to know it, to love it but above all… to taste it!

desde 95€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people
Truffle hunting around Gubbio and Perugia

Come and experience truffle hunting immersed in the lush green hills between Gubbio and Perugia.

desde 160€ Por persona
Price is lower based on umber of people

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