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Adrenaline in Umbria

3 days of sport and intense excitement

The Adrenaline in Umbria tour option gives you the opportunity to visit Umbria in a wholly unconventional way. This is three intense days enjoying sports and nature. Overnight accommodation is in Gubbio, one of the most beautiful cities in Umbria, a majestic jewel nestled between valley and mountains, which you will have time to visit during these 3 days.

However, you’ll experience close contact with nature, including walks in the woods and mountains but, above all, real adrenaline-charged sports amongst the range we offer. These activities are well-suited to the truly intrepid, but are within everyone’s reach, offering intense excitement but, above all, unique perspectives.

You can choose between two options, based on your personal preferences, but remember that everything can be tailor-made for you if you want!

  1. 1
    Día 1
  2. 2
    Día 2
    Start to feel the adrenaline
  3. 3
    Día 3
Starting point:
Servicios incluidos:

The deal includes

- 2 nights in Agriturismo with breakfast
- A 3 courses dinner, drink included
- A 2 hours trip on the Trasimeno lake with the SUP
- 1 rafting in Valnerina

  1. 1
    Día 1
  2. 2
    Día 2
  3. 3
    Día 3
Starting point:
Servicios incluidos:

The deal includes

- 2 nights in Agriturismo with breakfast
- A 3 courses dinner, drinks included
- 1 hang-glider fly or 1 paragliding fly
- A 2 sessions kitesurf course. Morning and afternoon

Data sheet

Apropiado para niños.

Mayores de 12 años

Mayores de 8 años

Cuando estén acompañados por sus padres.




No está incluido

Las entradas a los sitios o museos (*).

No se incluye el equipo técnico como cámaras, flashes, trípodes u otros accesorios que considere necesarios para esta actividad.

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    Para aprovechar este servicio*
    Cancellation policy

    The cancellation is free of charge if made at least 15 days before the start date of your stay. If you cancel between 15 and 7 days before the start date of your stay, we will apply a 50% penalty. If you cancel less than 7 days before the start date of your stay, the penalty applied will be 100%.

    Agregado con éxito a los favoritos.

    Para crear tu itinerario necesitaremos algo más de información: por tanto indica las fechas que prefieres, cuántas personas sois y asigna un valor a tus intereses, así podremos comenzar a crear tu itinerario juntos.